Juan Jose Ramos Pla

Juan José Ramos Plá graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Zaragoza in 1994 and obtained his Veterinary Doctor degree from the Cardenal Herrera University CEU San Pablo de Valencia in 2015. Dedicated exclusively to the medicine of small animals, he is author and co-author of articles in different international journals, as well as posters and oral communications in national and European congresses. He has taught webminars related to obesity, its management and its consequences, as well as conferences abroad on the same subject. He is the author of the chapter 'Obesity: Biology and Management' of the VIII Edition of the book 'Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine' (Ettinger, Feldman and Coté) and the chapter 'Obesity' of the recent book Feline Endocrinology (Feldman, Peterson and Fracassi ). He currently works as a Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine and Surgery at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Cardenal Herrera University CEU de Moncada (Valencia).



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