
Problems of adherence in behaviour modification.
Daniel Mills
Thursday, 07 November 2019
18:30 - 19:25
Paris (Room Capacity 340 vets)
There are many issues affecting client compliance with veterinary behaviour advice, with clear lessons to be learned from the medical literature. A review of the literature indicates at least 29 factors which need to be considered. These can be subdivided into the broad areas of practical barriers to implementation (11 factors), client understanding (10 factors), client confidence (6 factors) and client support networks (3 factors). In this lecture, I will explore these issues and introduce a new online system to help clinics monitor and improve their behaviour services in relation to these factors. The system allows clients to anonymously provide structured feedback on the consultation and associated follow up. Data are then analysed automatically to provide clinics and individually registered clinicians within these to examine which areas are most predictive of client satisfaction. In this way they can identify the areas which perhaps require most attention in order to optimise their service provision.


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