
Ureteral ectopia in dogs: minimally invasive approach
Mathieu Manassero
Tuesday, 19 October 2021
14:00 - 14:45
English (Simultaneous Translation into Spanish available)
Intramural ectopic ureter (iEU) is the most common form of ectopic ureter, observed in more than 95% of cases. The traditional open therapeutic intervention consists mainly of performing neoureterostomy, but a substantial complication rate is observed with about 15% of major complications (neoureterostomy stenosis or urinary leakage) requiring surgical revision and minor complications (transient dysuria) observed in nearly half of the cases. Recently, cystoscopic-guided laser ablation (CLA), an alternative to open surgeries, has been described for the treatment of iEU in dogs. Under cystoscopic guidance, after catheterization of iEU, transection of the intramural ectopic tunnel is cut as far back to the trigone as possible with a diode or holmium:yttrium laser. The procedure is easily performed with or without fluoroscopic assistance in both female dogs with a rigid endoscope and male dogs with either flexible scope or with a rigid scope inserted through a percutaneous perineal approach. Potential complications of this technique include perforation of the urinary tract, hemorrhage, and pyelonephritis secondary to ascendant infection. The benefits of this procedure are the elimination of the need for abdominal surgery, shorter recovery time, elimination of the possibility of recanalization of the distal ureter segment, and the lower complication rate. Currently, not enough data is available to know if laser ablation is associated with an improved outcome over surgical correction, but the decreased associated morbidity advocate for its use for iEU correction.


Time zone: Central European Time (CET) UTC+1

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