
All practices great and small: how the gap between knowledge and execution impacts your turnover.
Elisabete Capitao
Friday, 22 October 2021
14:45 - 15:30
English (Simultaneous Translation into Spanish available)
Good news is Veterinary business it’s a profitable business — people care about their pets more than they care about their own health. Figures don’t lie but do we have a clear roadmap for value creation? Our practices aren’t running in quite the same way as before the pandemic. New workflows, operating procedures, and safety protocols have been implemented. Many hospitals are operating with fewer team members and dealing with higher turnover. Emergency clinics appear to be having an especially difficult time remaining fully staffed as they are inundated with a continuous stream of patients—both urgent and nonurgent cases. Pet owners, too, are feeling the crunch. They’re having to wait longer to get appointments and to be seen. Veterinary professionals are becoming increasingly concerned about compassion fatigue and burn-out. The incidence of burn-out is on the rise among veterinary professionals, and negatively affects personal and professional wellbeing, and the provision of care to patients. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.' – said Drucker (or Lincoln). I believe we should make our own luck and from my experience as a consultant, there’s 4 pillars that channel all insights, information, knowledge and experience in tangible business results. And they are: 1. VISION - You can teach an old dog new tricks. 2. PEOPLE - The Great Dane in the room. 3. PROCESS - If you don’t sell, It’s not the product that’s wrong. 4. DATA & TRACTION - Revenue to bark about. These 4 pillars complete an operating system that puts everyone on the same page, using the same language, looking from the same perspective. Having an operating system will allow delegation and accountability and at the same time providing that sense of making progress so important to boost inner motivation in your team.


Time zone: Central European Time (CET) UTC+1

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